SEPANO corporate portal

Drupal security model
The three most important components of a Drupal security model are: Roles: Drupal day security systems are based on a role-based security model. Users: User accounts are identified by an ID. Permissions: The actual settings of each role represent the permissions

Theme design (Responsive)
Design and implementation of themes with customer taste-Responsive theme design with the ability to display in any dimension-Design and implementation of different and diverse themes for different occasions-Design different themes for portal pages by topic

Electronic services
Ability to register users for each request in three steps (informing the user, receiving personal information and receiving joint documents, sending a text message after registering the request and providing a tracking code for subsequent joint follow-ups and ease of work

Using this module, information about the employees and personnel of the relevant organization or institution can be published in groups. Places the information in the portal according to the position of the relevant personnel with the full details of that personnel
Drupal is a content management framework

A framework for creating a content management system tailored to your needs. Its core is very light and powerful, and its modularity allows us to add our desired capabilities to the system as a module.
Introducing some of the features and possibilities of Sepano portal
Content management system to create informative sub-sites (Drupal CMS)
News editing and circulation system to create news subsystems (News System)
Programmer and form builder system for creating electronic service delivery sub-sites (Application and Form Builder)
Reporting system to create various reports on the information contained in the electronic service sub-sites (Report Generator)
Organizational and workflow process management system for automation of internal and external organizational processes (BPMS, Workflow)

Drupal based examples

Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Cyberspace Police (FETA):
Infrastructure Communications Company
Supreme Council and National Cyberspace Center
NASA main portal
White House Portal:
University of Oxford:
Total Oil Company